Preventative maintenance is the best way to care for your teeth. Getting your teeth checked twice a year allows your dentist to keep an eye out for any warning signs of decay or other problems before they get out of hand. We want to do everything we can to maintain your smile, so you won’t need to do a lot of work on your teeth. Regular dental visits can save your smile and your pocketbook!

It is recommended that a child’s first appointment is scheduled around their one-year birthday. This not only starts them off at a young age getting to know their dentist, but also allows their dentist to ensure their teeth are on the right track and that there are no signs of decay.

The best way to maintain healthy smiles is to brush and floss daily! Brushing after every meal and at bedtime is the best way to keep your teeth from decay and flossing daily is important too! Make sure you always brush your tongue to help your breath smell fresh and get rid of as much bacteria as possible in your mouth. Saving your sweet tooth for dinner or a time when you can immediately brush after eating is best. Otherwise, avoid sugary foods if you cannot clean your teeth right away. In addition, regular dental check-ups also help your whole family keep up on their smiles!

Every 3 months is recommended for switching toothbrushes. Electric toothbrushes can be different, so check the packaging to see what is best. When you get sick, you should change to a new toothbrush once you are well. Always use hot water after brushing to clean your toothbrush.

Simply give us a call! We will work around your schedule to help you find the best time slot for an appointment.

Cavities forms from plaque buildup that sets on the teeth. Deep grooves in back molars and hard-to-reach areas are the most likely places for cavities to form. When a cavity forms, the tooth begins to decay, and a small hole is created in the tooth. The longer the cavity is present and left untreated, the bigger the hole will become. Catching a cavity early can save a tooth from infection and severe decay – maybe even tooth loss! A lot of pain and oral problems can occur from an untreated cavity.

A filling is a material that is used in a tooth that has a cavity. Your dentist will remove decay from the tooth and seal the tooth with a filling. Fillings can also be used cosmetically as tooth bonding to fix a chipped or misshapen tooth. Your dentist can color-match the filling with your tooth, so it blends in naturally and doesn’t distract from your smile.